Professor Abednego Eloghene Ekoko, Chairman, Board of Trustees of Exam Ethics Marshals International, died on Saturday, 6th November, 2021, at the age of 79.
As Marshals, Family, Friends, Colleagues and Governments Marshals across the world mourn the passage of the great lion, we are consoled by the fact he fulfilled his mission and left a formidable legacy. He stood out as shining model of products of African education- citizens of integrity, character, learning, excellence, courage and transformational capabilities.
Prof Ekoko obtained B.A. History, 2nd Class Hon. Upper Division from the University of Ibadan in 1971; M.A International History from London School of Economics and Political Science in 1973; and Ph.D from the University of Abardeen, Scotland, in 1976.
Pro Ekoko didn’t just obtain degrees. He obtained them with special awards: University Scholar and Best Graduating Student of University of Ibadan; Student of Distinction of London School of Economics; and Foreign Exchange Scholar of University of London.
Prof Ekoko was the Quintessential Scholar, A Scholar’s Scholar. As a Defence Scholar, he left scholarly legacies as Principal Consultant Historian of Nigerian Armed Forces and research works on Nigeria’s Defence and Security Systems and on the Study of Political/Military Leadership of Nigerian Generals. As Boundary Scholar, he invested his knowledge as Arbitrator and Chairman in international, national and state boundary conflict Resolution matters. He authored 40 books, chapters in books and journal articles.
Prof served in 39 different national and state administrative and leadership positions in public service and academics including: Commissioner, National Boundary Commission; Chairman, Delta State Boundary Committee; Honourable Commissioner, Delta State Ministry of Education; Sole Administrator, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean, Faculty of Arts at Delta State University, Abraka; Pioneer Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Pioneer Head, Department of History at Nigeria Defence Academy; and Chairman, Governing Council, College of Education, Abraka, to mention a few.
In all the positions he held in academics and public service, Prof served with honour and integrity. Not for once was he invited to explain or account for anything by any anti-corruption agency. Instead, he received honors and awards.
In 2011, for example, Guardian Newspaper honoured Prof at the age of 70 as one of 50 Nigerians of Integrity.
And that is also why he was still in high demand for critical public service assignments right until his last days. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, the Governor of Delta State, His Excellency, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, inaugurated Prof. Ekoko as a member of Project Management Committee for the three newly established Universities in Delta State.
I bless the day I met Prof Ekoko for the first time. It was in 1997 in the course of my nationwide advocacy visit to State Education Commissioners to solicit their buy-in and support for the Exam Ethics Project. My interactions with some Commissioners ended on a note discouragement and despondency to say the least. The Commissioners responded to me with pity and surprise and looked at me like somebody with a mental health issue. “How do you think” they queried “that you can reduce exam malpractice in Nigeria? Can’t you find something else to do with your time?” I was on the verge on giving up. Meeting with Prof Ekoko saved the project.
My meeting with Professor Ekoko on 27 May 1997 in his capacity as Commissioner for Education, exactly one year after the launch of Exam Ethics Project changed the course of the project. Even before I finished outlining the concept of the Project to him, he sprang out of his desk and screamed in his booming baritone voice. “This is it. This is the idea I have been looking for. I am in. Count me in” That was how Prof Ekoko became the teacher, mentor, pillar of strength and front line leader of Exam Ethics Movement.
On October 17, 1997 Prof Ekoko launched the Exam Ethics Marshals Movement in Delta State. Moving forward, he accepted the position of Chairman, Board of Trustees. He was honoured and decorated as Exam Ethics Chief Master Marshal, the highest honour of the Movement bestowed on Leaders in recognition of distinguished and outstanding contributions to promotion of ethics, integrity and best practices in education.
Prof took centre stage in formulating the vision, mission, structure, fundamental belief systems, theoretical and philosophical foundations, core doctrine, core values, pledge, motto, etc. that today hold the Exam Ethics Marshals International Movement together.
In classrooms, lecture halls, conferences and summits across Nigeria and other African Countries, his voice boomed as he preached the message that unless and until the integrity of education is successfully defended and restored, Africa cannot produce the human resource asset with character to shun corruption and the learning and capabilities to deliver the transformational performance needed to make the continent realize its destiny of being the next frontier of civilization and industrial revolution.
The voice boomed as he lectured, motivated and inspired the enlistment, training, induction, inauguration and certification of ethics-friendly educators across Africa as Exam Ethics Marshals and Institutions to defend the integrity of education from their various offices, perspectives and stations.
That question is: Can African educational institutions still make leaders, public servants and scholars like Prof Ekoko? Can we still make Marshals like Prof Ekoko with the strength of character to make the sacrifice and the courage of a lion to defend the integrity of education? Can we defend his legacies?
The answers to those question are up to all Exam Ethics Marshals and all patriotic educators and citizens of Africa concerned about the survival of future generations of Africans, born and unborn. Prof Ekoko is still with us through his monumental legacies. To honour him, we must re-commit to emulating his integrity, character courage in defending the integrity of education and public service. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
• Onyechere, MFR, is
founding chairman, Exam Ethics Marshals International.