•Isaiah 53: 1-6.; 9::6-7. Luke 1.
‘6, ” For unto us a child is born,
unto us a child is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.7, Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom to order it , and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this”.
Isaiah 9:6-7.
As we inch towards the festive season, it is necessary to note that Jesus the Christ is the reason for the celebration. It should also be made clear that the celebration was achieved at a huge cost to God , through His Son- Jesus the Christ. Beyond the massive outpouring of power on Christ. – translated the Anointed One, there are other things that went into the birth of Jesus to make Him a befitting Figure for the Salvation of humankind.
First, His humble birth in a manger made Him to be accessible to all levels of humankind. His humility didn’t give Him away to any privilege, position or power or special influence for any class to claim ownership of Him. Even poor people couldn’t also claim Him as their own because He was born in a manger, where animals dwell.
Today, His humility still beckones on men everywhere to be humble before Him. The lesson to us in His humility is such that many who profess Him may lose their place if they don’t take heed to be humble, while those who struggle with accepting Him will remain in their unbelief untill the Day of His coming when all eyes shall see Him in glory as captured by Prophet Isaiah.
As you follow this conversation, I am persuaded to challenge you to make up your mind to follow Him in humility. Paul says in Philippians 2:5, that we should let the mind of Christ rule our hearts. That mind of Christ is .. of humidity. Humility made Him to be born in a manger, and to die the death of a sinner.. on the Cross, where criminals are hanged and executed under Roman law. He was also a sinless Savior . This is unique as no other personality, who claimed to be avenues of salvation had similar distinctiveness.
The Bible says, Behold Him who takes away the.sins of the whole world. Only Jesus has that quality. Ignore it to your disadvantage on the last Day when all the affairs of men shall be laid bare before an angry God who would extract due punishment upon the children of disobedience. Hebrews 4:13. 9:27.
Yet, the transaction that took place in the manger , where Jesus the Christ was born , brought about some divine and supenattural developments and blessings to humankind.
First, the salvation of human beings was initiated by Jesus the Christ. This was perfected with His death and subsequent resurrection . Today, the Bible tells us that as many as put their faith in this simple and unambiguous transaction in the manger would receive life in its abundance.
John:10:10. It’s also the acceptance of this reality that makes a man to become born again. Jesus Himself told Nichodemus in John 3:3, that except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Second, another blessing that resulted in this transaction is that sicknesses and diseases received healing from God. Indeed, the Bible tells us in Isaiah 53; that by His stripes we were healed and by His chastisement we were made whole.
Today, it is not to be gainsaid that sicknesses and diseases bow before Jesus the Christ. Those who don’t believe this truth should ask some of us who were born chronically sick, but today live as healthy and as strong as a fiddle. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10. There is healing in the name of Jesus. Believe it and it shall begin to work for you in Jesus’ name.
Third, Jesus gave us power over principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, forces of darkness and rulers of darkness of this world.
No wonder the Bible tells us that at the name of Jesus, every knee bows, and every tongue confesses that Jesus is the LORD, both in heaven, in earth or under the earth.
Those who doubt the efficacy of Jesus’ name in having dominion over forces of darkness should ask Mary Magdalene from whom seven demons were cast out.
They should also ask the sons of Sceva who were torn apart by Satan. Even in our time, those who doubt the power believers have should ask God to open their eyes to such realities. Sometime ago, a neighbor told me that they couldn’t sleep in their house because their children were seeing demons.. We prayed together. And the demons left their house.
Jesus says, I give you power over demons and powers of darkness, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. You will be living below God’s expectations of your life if elemental spirits are still making your life uncomfortable. Jesus is the Dominion you have over them. Yes, celebrate in dominion.
In Acts 10:38, the Bible says that JESUS the Christ , was highly anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power, and He went about doing good, healing them that were diseased and delivering them that were oppressed. Even in Luke 4, Jesus said of Himself that He had come to give liberty to them that are under the yoke of Satan.
As a child of God , rise up and take your place among them that have been liberated from the ENEMY of our soul.
Four, Jesus also gave us confidence by His birth. He took away our fears and gave us faith in His ability to give us strength to face the future without fear, anxiety and timidity.
Today, as you celebrate, let faith replace your fears, let confidence take over your anxieties and timidity. The Bible says that JESUS the Christ gives the spirit of boldness, love and sound mind. Don’t just celebrate. Embrace Him in all these dimensions and your joy shall be full. God bless.
(To be concluded). Happy Sunday.
Pastor Okoro can be reached
on 08051000462.
December 12.