NOA/ILO Partner to End Child Labour in Nigeria
By METROWATCH Reporter The National Orientation Agency (NOA) has signed a formal agreement with the International ...
By METROWATCH Reporter The National Orientation Agency (NOA) has signed a formal agreement with the International ...
State Parties are encouraged to begin their self-assessments mid-year using the web-based SPAR platform to streamline data collection and reporting
This major initiative is designed to enhance governance, strengthen institutional capacity, and improve service delivery across critical government sectors
The GROW Project implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and the Private Sector Foundation aims to support female entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises from micro to small and medium enterprises
The meeting focused on the government’s efforts regarding the "Digilians" initiative, which aims to qualify and train young people in the fields of communications, information technology, and software
With 80% of the population in coastal areas, addressing aquifer salinisation from rising sea levels is urgent
Visitors will experience a wide range of artistic expressions, including painting, sculpture, visual and digital art, installations, and more
The EU reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the Federal Government of Somalia in its fight against al-Shabaab and other terrorist organisations
Annually, pests cause between 30 to 60 percent of crop losses in Africa, resulting in an economic cost of about USD 65.58 billion
Harnessing Africa’s fossil fuel resources is key to unlocking its economic potential
While the committee commends the Minister’s intention to hunt down these ghosts, it is also true that part of this committee’s oversight duties over the public service and administration should be to join the hunt for Casper
MetrowatchXtra is an online daily newspaper poised to act as a catalyst in our debate and desire for well-governed Nigeria and provide the much-needed platform for all, irrespective of social, religious or political divide, to express their views.
Metrowatchxtra Nigeria
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© 2024 Metrowatchxtra Nigeria Published by Miraculous Media Connect Limited. All rights reserved