Goodluck Jonathan Foundation 2023 Democracy Dialogue Holds in Yenagoa | METROWATCH
(PRESS STATEMENT) The Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF) will on Thursday, September 28, host the second edition of the GJF Democracy ...
(PRESS STATEMENT) The Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF) will on Thursday, September 28, host the second edition of the GJF Democracy ...
The alliance will harmonize trade practices and introduce a standardised framework that ensures secure, predictable, and efficient trade movement
The scarcity of healthcare facilities, the distance they have to travel, the insecurity on the road, and the price of transportation
Participants also addressed key issues such as competition for access to natural resources (land, water, pasture), seasonal livestock migrations, and rural land management policies, which shape not only these interactions, but also regional governance
The committee is optimistic about the success of the people-centred oversight mechanism in achieving its objectives and also ensuring that ordinary people understand the value of trade agreements from an economic-growth opportunities perspective
Hon. Duale reaffirmed his commitment to strengthening health systems
The automation technology by Terumo will enable faster and higher-quality processing of donated blood
The committee stressed that the municipal electricity debt crisis requires collaboration and decisive action from all levels of government and stakeholders
Highlighting the work ahead, Ambassador Laki urged all delegates to remain focused on finalizing a balanced and effective regulatory framework for seabed resource exploitation
A major milestone at the forum was the launch of the African Green Minerals Strategy (AGMS), a fundamental step in advancing Africa’s industrialization and electrification through green minerals
President Museveni agreed to host the ROM summit slated for May 2025, adding that the exact date would be communicated in the due course
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© 2024 Metrowatchxtra Nigeria Published by Miraculous Media Connect Limited. All rights reserved