The Believer as Faithful Steward of God — Sunday Conversation with Pst Luke Okoro

•Pastor Luke Okoro

Luke 16:1-23. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches

And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one , and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 16:10-13.

Let a man so account of us as ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2.

The story in Luke 16, wherein Jesus justified the unfaithful steward was meant to challenge the believer to wisen up in their dealings with God and His kingdom. Indeed, there are so many believers in Christ Jesus today, who do not know that their relationship with God is like a master and his steward.

They do not know that everything God has deposited in them upon their salvation are treasures that must be accounted for to the MASTER on the day of reckoning. The demand is therefore for us to do kingdom business with our Master.

We must not behave like the ONE talent servant who went to hide his gift and did nothing with it until the day his Master came back to demand for an account. Of course, he was put to judgement and condemned.

His only talent was taken away from him and given to another who was urgent about his Master’s business. Are you urgent about kingdom business? Are you faithful about it? Do you recognize your place as a steward of God?.

Meanwhile, to be faithful is to have that quality of character that makes one to be dependable, trusted and to remain loyal to someone, a course or a belief or association, and to continue to support them with devotion.

To be faithful is also to be loyal to your spouse as married couple and not to share your love or body with another person. Faithfulness demands that a man or woman does not present an image that is contrary to the image wherein he is known or associated with.

How have you done the opposite of these standards? What excuse do you have to lower these heavenly standards for those who call upon God, and who are involved in His business?

On the other hand a steward is a servant whose responsibility is to take care of his master’s estate, property or belongings in trust. This is because he will always be called upon to give account to his Master.

A steward can be regarded as one who also serves his master’s food and drink. By this, he tastes the foods and drinks to ensure that his master’s health, safety and well-being are guaranteed.

Therefore the believer who is a a faithful steward must be devoted, loyal, dependable and consistently obedient to take care of God’s kingdom matters. And to remain in it without wavering, grudging or complaining.

Such a believer would have to shun the allurement of other alternatives or masters, even if serving such alternatives could hold immediate better rewards. But is there an alternative to serving GOD, the Father and Owner of the universe?

As our reading text notes, any person who chooses to follow Jesus must do so to the exclusion of other alternatives. Jesus was clear on this in His teachings that the love for materialism and love for God do not go together.

This explains why Judas Iscariot, Ananias and Sapphira, as well as Achan and Gehazi, versus the servant of Elisha, failed in their services to God. Their love for lucre led to their perishing.

Yet, it’s strange that despite the despicable ending of these people, many are still chasing and compromising Godly standards in the pursuit of worldly matters.

Some people in their compromised conditions, also claim to be serving God. In what ways are you implicated in your dealings with God? What are you pursuing in place of total surrender and DEVOTION to the ONLY true God?

There is still opportunity to repent and make a U- turn today. God bless you.
Happy Sunday.

In our next Conversation, we will share thoughts on the demands of faithful stewardship.


Pastor Okoro is a revivalist and marriage counselor. He can be reached on:

©All Bible references are from KJV.

October 23, 2022.

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