The Marriage Institution… (VII), By Pst Luke Okoro

Pastor Luke Okoro

The Sunday Conversation | August 14. 08. 2022


Colossians 3:10-14. Romans 12:9-10; 13:8-10. Galatians 6:2.

That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. Phillipians 1:10.

Recompense no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
Romans 12:17.

Finally my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phillipians, 4:8.

In continuation of our Conversation on Marriage, today we will take a look at :

The DEMAND of marriage on the COUPLE.

Very often, married couples tend to distance their marriage behaviour from their christian character. They tend to think that they can get their marriage wilfully wrong, and still gain the trust of God, and the respect of men and the society. That thinking is wrongly headed . Marriage is an integral part of your reputation and character. You should give it 100 per cent shot to gain God’s trust , and also the respect of men and society. The point must be noted that marriage is like an examination. Making 70 per cent preparation will not guarantee you 70 per cent success. Therefore, you must make a hundred per cent preparation if you are aiming at a comfortable success.
So what is the DEMAND or BURDEN of MARRIAGE?

1. Show of Commitment. 

Commitment doesn’t require divided loyalty. Your commitment to marriage,(and family) must be TOTAL. This commitment is only second to God, not work , not friendship, not extended families, not even to church or the children when they arrive. Commitment breeds trust, confidence and followership or obedience. It also naturally deepens love and family unity. Where there is no commitment to marriage , couples tend to act independently and, sometimes, at criss purposes to the needs of their marriage and family. Give your marriage 100 per cent shot, and the result will amaze you. Let your spouse come before your parents, the children and all other relationships.

2. Be Sacrificial in Love.

Couples who wish to make their marriage
stable, safe, and secure are sacrificial in love. They can go to any length to make each other happy. They can forgo anything. They can forgive anything. They can do anything to ensure marital unity and progress. . Sacrificial love demands that you consider your spouse more important in all things. That you put your spouse first in whatever you do. And be ready to defend him or her even in the face of grave danger to life. Jesus gave us the example of sacrificial love when He paid the supreme sacrifice — dying on the Cross to purchase our salvation and the liberty we enjoy today from sin and Satan. Romans 5:8. Yes, while we were yet in sin, Christ died for us. That is the kind of love those wishing to have a marriage of happiness, harmony and extravagant joy exhibit. This sacrificial love is mutual. This is why you must get your choice of whom to marry very correctly. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. You must not be unequally yoked together with anyone who doesn’t share your faith. Marriage isn’t soul winning. Save your soul first by making the right choice. Then the kids from the marriage will be taught and won for Jesus Christ. That’s the divine pattern.
Many couples who negated this pattern are worse for it today. May the good LORD show them mercy in Jesus’ name.

Meanwhile, sacrificial love eliminates ego, pride, hubris and impatience as well as lack of tolerance, insubordination, disrespect and selfishness. For such couples, their love language doesn’t include: Do you know who I am? Or , No, I can’t descend that low to beg her/ him. Love covers a multitude of sins 1 Corinthians 13:1-10. Sacrificial love esteems the other better than oneself, neither threatens nor recalls past wrongs. It’s love with the MIND of Christ. Phillipians 2:5.


3. Render Service to each other.

Whereas our culture has pigeonholed us in this part of the world to the roles husbands and wives should play in the marriage relationship, Christian couples MUST not conform to such divisions in complete negligence to : whatsoever is honest, just , lovely pure and of good report. It should be noted that several of our cultural elements or patterns or behaviours do not tally with Biblical standards. Some are unfavourable to the Girl- child –:our wives and mothers. Husbands must temper them with the fear of God and with the understanding that our wives are also children of the kingdom, the bride that is being prepared unto the day of Jesus’ appearing. Any man in marriage must not lose sight of this wisdom , otherwise, he runs the risk of both having his prayers hindered and his calling being made unsure: becoming an unbeliever.

When a husband has the opportunity or time, he could cook for the family, do the dishes and clean the house, as well as water the gardens, go to market and help with the kids, amongst others. This is especially so given that that same wife could be a working class, a business woman, or even a homemaker with too many kids to take care of, including doing DADDY’s laundry. Men who think a wife at home with children, (even if one child) is not enough work should try doing it for one day; and see how easy it can be. The Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2 that we should bear one another’s burden. This calls for shared responsibility.

In the same way, a wife should serve the family in every area she can. She must not wait on the husband to fix the generator, do the electricals or the car if she can . There are some women who have these skills better than their husbands. Such women should not hide under culture to wait for the man to do them. Fix that collapsing door, window or ceiling and save your family from its embarrassment. Don’t wait for the man, who could also serve you better in other ways. We have carried out our marriage roles with this understanding. It can be interesting. God is also pleased with us when our marriage glorifies Him. Our children will grow better and learn to replicate same in their own marriage when their turn comes. This is the way to laying foundations for generations to come. It doesn’t come easy, but it’s sure under God.

4. Pursue Peace.


(To continue next week)

Happy Sunday. God bless.


Pastor Okoro is a revivalist and Marriage Counselor. He can be reached on:

©All Bible references are from KJV.

(Please last Sunday’s conversation was Edition VI. Not V as wrongly tagged).

August 14, 2022.

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