The Sunday Conversation | with Pastor Luke Okoro | 01. 05. | 2022
Breaking the Cycle of Evil Occurrences: The Prayer Perspective… (ii )
2 Corinthians 10: 3-6. Proverbs 14:34; 24:10.
,” For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
” For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
” Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing them into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
We are continuing with our prayer perspective to the challenge posed by satanic forces against the children of God, who may or may not be aware that such evil occurrences are as a result of things that happened before they became born again,, or things wilfully orchestrations by the devil even after being born again or curses poured out to them for one reason or the other behind their knowing or even before them, nonetheless. Indeed, evil people don’t usually have genuine reasons to act wickedly. And one of such ways to manifest their wickedness is to rain curses on the innocent. The victim could be me or you — family, heritage or even generation. Even nations and nationalities could be cursed as in the case of Amalek and Edom because of their wickedness against Israel. When you know these, your duty is to rise and nullify them by prayers as we are doing currently. That is why the Bible rightly notes that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34. Our weapon remains prayer. We must not faint in the place of prayer Jesus’ name. The Bible tells us that if we faint in the day of adversity, perhaps, su h days when these satanic agents would rise up to operate or attack, then we have very little strength. And Jesus says that men ought always to pray and not to faint. Yes, break away from that cycle of failure, poverty , sicknesses and retrogression. Going forward, pray these prayers. There shall be performance in Jesus’ name.
5. There is a spirit that causes money to escape one’s hand before another money would come to such a person.
There’s a power that makes a family to perpetually lack financial resources. There is a power that causes sicknesses and diseases to surface in a family whenever there’s money to spend.
There is a force that pulls down a family anytime things are looking up.
There is a force that makes husband and wife, and even their children to disagree on how best to deploy their financial resource , whenever they have it. And to reconcile after the wastage had occurred.
These are forces of darkness, backwardness and poverty and lack.
Today, by divine approval and authority in the Holy Ghost I terminate these satanic agents and forces from further activities in your life and family in Jesus’ name. I dispossess them of the potency of their powers by the Power of JESUS’ resurrection in Jesus’ name.
6. All satanic ordinances operating to truncate my growth — spiritually and physically — making it difficult or near impossible for me to become a senior member of my class or calling or profession; or to be a provider of means legitimately for my family, or to become a person of significance in the society: I curse you and your origin. And I bar you from my environment of operations . I blind your sight from monitoring and seeing my affairs henceforth in the migthy name of Jesus. From now , I shall begin to operate under open heavens. I shall witness no more limitations spiritually and physically all-round in Jesus’ name. I am a seed of Abraham, and I shall be a builder and repairer of the old waste places in Jesus’ name.
7, Sex is a spiritual covenant. 1 Corinthians 6: 15-20..
For those who have had double or multiple sex partners or relationships, moreso, outside marriage overtime: kindly pray this Prayer.. ( with the belief that you have repented and abandoned such relationships.)
I free myself from the entanglement of my sexual past from today. I confess my liberty and freedom, and declare that henceforth, I shall not go back to this sin in Jesus’ name. Every Covenant arising therefrom is hereby broken and nullified today in Jesus’ name. I am free from every occultic involvement, or sexual soulmate relationship. I reject any further activity with such powers and relationships in Jesus ‘name.
From today, I renounce any blood covenant with the occult world. I denounce their operations, and repudiate their hold on me and my family in Jesus’ name. I refuse their domination of my life and all other areas of my life, business career and family in Jesus’ name.
(To be continued).
Happy Sunday. God bless.
•Pastor Okoro, a revivalist and marriage counselor, can be reached on: 08051000462.
May 1, 2022.