Defection: APC hails Judiciary, Congratulates Umahi

*Gov. Dave Umahi of Ebonyi State

The Ebonyi State Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Stanley Okoro Emegha, has hailed the appellate court sitting in Enugu for upholding the judgment of an Ebonyi High court which dismissed the suit seeking to sack Governor David Umahi and his Deputy, Kelechi Igwe for defection from PDP to APC.

Emegha in a statement on Sunday made available to Journalists in Abakaliki, said the ruling has strengthening democratic precepts and making the Nigerian citizens to have unfiltered trust and confidence on the system.

He commend the Judiciary for truly taking the bold stand of the court to shown that it’s an arbiter of hope and the threshold of justice.

The statement reads in part: “The officers in the temple of justice in Nigeria are frankly exceptional due to their avowed determination to build a system which can be adjuged as the most credible anywhere in the world. The Judiciary is at its eldorado where the common man believes in its quick and untainted dispensation of justice.

“Similarly, may I avail myself this rare but redefining moment to warmly congratulate our visionary cum quintessential leader and governor of Ebonyi state, Engr Chief David Nweze Umahi on this victory at the Appeal Court sitting in Enugu.

“Your Excellency, this landmark victory which will not only serve as a precedence in the future has brought a ray of hope to thousands of people in Nigeria hence it has elicited enormous joy and jubilations in the hearts of many citizens all over the country.

“Your Excellency, father of the state, the appellate court’s judgment has made me to recall with nostalgia, the massive solidarity displayed by Nigerians, Ebonyi people inclusive few weeks back in full support of your stay in office.

“My Governor, do not be distracted by the antics of purveyors of evil because they have buried their faces in absolute shame.

“We are proud of your God’s given abilities and calculated efforts which have revitalised and repositioned the state and her citizenry for more sustainable economic prosperity.

“Your legacies will endure for thousands years to come. Congratulations, the thoroughbred technocrat and golden age Executive Governor.

“Worthy of commendation also is the Forum of APC Chairmen who stood firmly like the rock of gibraltar with a trailblazer and leader of the millennium, His Excellency the Governor, Engr Chief David Nweze Umahi during the moment of distraction.

“My ever supportive colleagues and allies, I’m at a loss for words to appreciate and commend you not just for keeping in touch but the communique you released at that period was adjuged as the most civil, accurate and reasonable sentence in the history of mankind.

“Indeed, my fellow Ebonyians and admirers of His Excellency the Governor all over the globe, I’m grateful to God who charts the cause of life and men of goodwill for their contributions towards building an enviable state where unity, peace and development will be the maxim.

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