First Anniversary: I Owe My Responsibility to Abians, Nobody Else, Says Gov Otti | METROWATCH

Alex Otti

*Alex Otti

By Seyi Babalola

Abia State Governor Alex Otti on Tuesday, hosted a town hall meeting with the people and stakeholders of Abia Central, which includes Umuahia North, Ikwuano, Umuahia South, Isialangwa North, and the South and Osisioma Local Government Areas, to commemorate his first anniversary in office.

The event was held at the International Conference Centre Ogurube Layout in Umuahia, Abia State.

Otti referred to the public as kingmakers in his address titled A Meeting with King Makers.

“You are the ones that made me a governor, without you I wouldn’t have been here. You are the ones we are answerable to. I therefore owe my responsibility to you all individually, and collectively, noting that power belongs to God and no body can boast of that,” he said.

He appreciated the mayors, the members of the national and state assembly, for the success of the programme.

The governor stressed that he has taken note, and not unmindful of their worries, stating that his administration is still too young and they cannot be doing the same thing over and over and achieve the same results.

Otti urged them in the new Abia to be actively involved, make suggestions, and ask questions, we want you to be active participants in the governing process.

He reiterated the fact that gone are the days when government allocations, IGR, are put on the table and shared, it is not going to be business as usual he added.

The Abia Chief Executive maintained that his administration came in on the mandate of the people, saying, “we promised that we must use the resources of the people to work for the people.”

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