Nigerians Did Not Vote for Hardship – LP’s Kenneth Okonkwo Slams Corrupt INEC Officials | METROWATCH

Kenneth Okonkwo

*Kenneth Okonkwo

Kenneth Okonkwo, a spokesman for the Obi/Datti Presidential Campaign Council, stated on Monday that Nigerians did not elect representatives who would bring about the degree of suffering the nation is currently experiencing.

Okonkwo claimed that the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, “technically glitched” the present suffering of Nigerians. recalls that the electoral authority referred to a “technical glitch” while describing why it was unable to upload the results of the most recent presidential election to its result-viewing webpage.

INEC had prior to the election promised and assured Nigerians it would transmit election results online in realtime.

But its failure to live up to its own promise and assurance generated a lot of controversies, with many doubting the credibility of the final result given by the INEC.

However, the Supreme Court has since ruled that the INEC has the power to determine how it would transmit election results.

Meanwhile, amid the increasing hunger in the land, Okonkwo, in a post on his X handle on Monday, cursed corrupt INEC officials, saying they were the thieves that have enthroned fellow thieves to inflict pains on Nigerians.

He wrote, “Nigerians did not vote for this level of hardship. This hardship is technically glitched on us by INEC. O’ God multiply hardship and sufferings on INEC officials that have ever rigged elections in Nigeria. They are thieves that have enthroned fellow thieves to inflict pains on us.”

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