Ignore Video, Audio Clips ‘Tarnishing’ Wike’s Image, Rivers Govt Begs

•Gov. Nyesom Wike

By Ogochukwu Isiom

The Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has called on members of the public to disregard the audio and visual materials trending on social media reportedly credited to him.

Government of Rivers described the trending audio and visuals as doctored, false, noting that such are aimed at tarnishing the image of the Rivers Governor.

Rivers government in a statement said certain individuals had launched a campaign of calumny against the Governor using doctored video and audio clips.

The statement signed by Commissioner of Information and Communications, Chris Finebone, reads in part: “Of particular mention is a doctored audio clip that was concocted by Saharareporters during the 2016 re-run election in Rivers State in which they purported same to be a discussion between the governor and Hon. Dum Dekor.

“That audio concoction was duly discredited and discarded as a piece of rubbish masterminded by evil people to tarnish the image of Wike. But in a hurry to throw dirt at the governor this time, some people decided to exhume and use same old discredited clip to justify their evil machination of sullying the image of the governor.

“Let it be clearly stated that after Wike and his wife managed to cast their vote last Saturday, they quietly returned to their home and never stepped out for the rest of the day.

“It was, therefore, surprising that the same individuals who, for reasons best known to them, decided to lie against the governor, have gone ahead to raise false accusations suggesting that Gov. Wike moved about with soldiers intimidating people and influencing voting and collation of votes. This is, indeed, a lie taken from the very abyss of hell.

“For the avoidance of doubt, Gov. Wike does not have a single soldier in his formal and informal entourage at any time, more so, during election time.

“The governor did not for whatever reason visit or move around after casting his vote. The accusation of him moving around to intimidate or cause any disruption of any kind derives only from the wicked imagination of evil doers but they have failed.

“Therefore, the general public is urged to disregard the concocted video and audio clips, voice notes and other forms of multimedia contraptions to tarnish the image of Gov. Nyesom Wike”.

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